Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Life of Leisure

How do you measure a year?

Our previous posts testify that we could measure our coastal Ecuadorian chapter in bike rides. In waves ridden. In balls fetched. In shells collected. In 80+ degree days. In sunsets. 

Despite some bumps in the road, it's been true leisure . Below are more recent additions to the ways in which we could measure this slice of our sabbatical pie.

Fun in the Sand

Buried treasure in Montanita.
Choco decides the debris hut we're building is for him.
Sand soccer is popular in the villages at low tide.

Finding Things

The boys love shell collecting, cleaning, and sorting.
Capturing critters is fun too.  Crabs, hermit crabs, snails, fish, beetles. . . .
Some things we leave where we find them.
This guy was tricky to spot.


Atticus puts the floaty back on for ocean kayaking.
Baxter likes it as a dive platform.
Riding the waves in is the trickiest (and most thrilling) part.


Racing for balls in the pool with a friend.

Horsing around in the pool.
Sunset swim at Puerto Lopez.


Remains of indigenous people unearthed at Agua Blanca in Machalilla National Park.

The savages we found in the park (after they bathed themselves in mud from the sulfur pool).
Our cameras haven't been great at capturing the diversity of birds nor focused on the most quiet moments of book reading. Suffice it to say that on-camera or off- we've thoroughly enjoyed this Eden. 

When my watch battery died a bit ago, I realized how superfluous the watch is in this lifestyle. Perhaps the defining element of this leisurely chapter of our sabbatical year is that it isn't measured at all. It just is.

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