Saturday, April 26, 2014

How Old Do You Have to Be to Paraglide?

This week we were curious how old you had to be to paraglide in Ecuador.  Our hosts drove us to the most popular spot for paragliding locally so that I could try the sport for the first time.  But of course our adventure-seeking children wanted to know if they could try too.  Well. . . .

Lift off for Marshall.
And a calm flight over the ocean.
Shelly joins the fun.
And she flies with the birds.
The view from her lap.
Baxter excitedly waves to Mom and Dad overhead.
Atticus catches the attention of a TV cameraman when he tries on some gear.
Why not hook him up all the way?
And send him on his way!
All smiles.
I guess five is old enough!

And of course Baxter is too!
Baxter sails above it all.
Double thumbs up!
And a fourth safe landing for our family.
Of course about six seconds later we heard, "Can we do it again?"  Perhaps another day.  One flight each was a pretty good start.  So if the boys are flying at ages five and seven, it causes us to wonder what Shelly mused out loud: "What are they going to be doing as teenagers?"

It's possible our boys will have a warped sense of "normal" and of "adventure" later in life.  But for now, we're enjoying making the most of this unusual year that is our sabbatical sojourn.

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