Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Open Air Markets: A Photo Essay

Living one block from the central market in San Pedro, we passed through almost daily--sometimes many times a day.  
The main street bordering the market bustles with pedestrian activity.
Most of the produce is from the surrounding mountains.  Seafood is a combination of lake-caught and food from the ocean.  Local women (yes, it's always the women who shop at the market) know what the going price is for everything they buy.  Tourists often pay more, but still very low prices.  Locals purchase much more of their food at the market than at stores.

Shelly put together a digital album of photos we took mainly in the San Pedro market with a few included from neighboring Santiago.  Hope you enjoy the photos and captions found at this link: 

If photo essays work well for our readers, we'll try a few more upcoming.  Until then. . . .


  1. Best wishes traveling to your new destination.. I hope Baxter has a more enjoyable ride this time through. We cannot wait to hear where you are headed next! -Emerson Family

    1. Thanks for the well-wishes! We've just published our next itinerary stop in our latest blog post. If you want a link, paste this in your browser:


      We'll keep you posted!
